The so called “Our Ocean Conference”, organized every year by governments and private sector, is an event created from a complete and purely capitalist, mercantilist and financial approach, supporting the “blue growth” agenda.  This year, in Bali (Indonesia), while transnational corporations and governments will discuss financial and market based solutions for the Ocean, fisher people movements won’t be invited to ...

WFFP statement on World Fisheries Day 21.11.2016 “One of our greatest victories is the endorsement of the International Small-scale Fisheries Guidelines by the Committee on Fisheries [COFI] of the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation [FAO] in 2014” – Naseegh Jaffer, the General Secretary of the WFFP. “When we developed the International guidelines, transnational corporations did not show any commitment towards ...

New report produced by fisher movements from across the world. The report challenges the political and economic elites and their project to privatise our nature through the Blue Carbon mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. It also emphasises a series of real solutions which are rooted in the knowledge and culture of ...

“There is a parcel of land they [investors] say is private. Private belonging to who?” asks Christiana Louwa of the El Molo Forum in northern Kenya, and continues “…our land is never private. Its public land. The land belongs to our communities… and its in our constitution”. In a new investigative report, it is clear that the Green Wind Power ...

Press release, 2 February 2016, Kolkata “The tiger is not our threat, the Forest Department is.” “Forest Department Kee Jaagir Nahi; Sundarban Humara Hai” Asserting their rights over the Sundarban forest, more than 200 people from the region assembled at the Public Hearing in Sundarban islands on 31st January 2016. The Press Conference of the Public Hearing took place at ...

Press statement, Cape Town, 29 January 2016 We call upon the Pakistani authorities to make public the exact location of detention of Mr. Baloch. We furthermore demand that the principles of due process and all of Mr. Baloch’s human rights as internationally recognized, are fully respected. In the late afternoon of 16 January, Mr. Baloch informed his colleagues from the ...

In 1988, the United Nations established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and since then leaders of the world have met year after year to discuss how to combat climate change. Today, we have to conclude that the leaders have failed. When they meet in Paris for COP21, we now what to expect: their proposals to combat climate change builds ...

19 July 2015 During the past days, leaders of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) have gathered in Pondicherry, to discuss the main challenges facing fisherfolk across the world and how to confront these challenges. The leaders of the WFFP traveled from the Caribbean, Honduras, Canada, Mauritania, Kenya, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. A key strategic decision at ...

World Social Forum, Tunis 23-28 March 2015 Social movements and civil society organizations engaged in the defense of the rights to land and water at the World Social Forum. For four days, the WFFP joined hundreds of activists in the fight against the grabbing of natural resources, including land and fish, and against the systematic violations of the associated human rights. Sharing ...