The challenges faced by Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF) infeeding the world’s population are escalating: The BlueEconomy and Blue Transformation are particularly threatening to SSF communities worldwide, due to activities like industrial aquaculture, seabed mining, for oil and gas, tourism, expansion of offshore wind farms, infrastructure development, and Special Economic Zones around the coastal area ...


Fisheries subsidies in India are a long standing topic on it’s role in the development of fisheries, type of fisheries and which fishworkersbenefit from government resources, especially the share that small scale and artisanal fishworkers receive from them. Subsidies andschemes are financial benefits made by the government or publicbodies that provide a private or sector-specific benefit. (Aswathy N eal. 2012). ...

The importance of the coasts and the oceans to human life is undisputable. Humans have inhabited the coasts for millennia, with several coastal communities around the world having a deep sense of history and intimate cultural relationship with the coasts and oceans. These resources are vital for our livelihood, nutrition and overall health of our planet mother earth. Of late, ...

It is no secret that the Small Scale fishers are the people who are engaged in one of the  most dangerous and risky employment in the world and their family members, women, children are the least recognize citizens in any country. Socially this fisheries job has been rather looked down in the society and fisher themselves experience this discrimination and ...

Small-scale fisheries and sustainable development: A Summary extracted from UN FAO – Key findings from the Illuminating Hidden Harvests report Small-scale fisheries account for at least 40 percent of global fisheries catch.   90 percent of the people employed along capture fisheries value chains operate in small-scale fisheries.   45 million women participate in small-scale fisheries, including for subsistence.   ...

Enclosed are the outcomes of the Coastal Climate Forum, providing a platform for dialogue across all KNTI bases and gathering thousands of fisherfolk and stakeholders in the fisheries sector. The forum addressed shared challenges in coastal communities, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Insights from diverse regions showcased adaptive strategies, underscoring the significance ...

Small-scale fishers are essential for feeding the world. Still, they are not properly recognized by most governments and institutions. In a context of rising hunger and food insecurity, this cannot be accepted anymore.  We have to invest in SSF communities through dedicated policy actions, in order to give them relief from the pressure of climate change, the fishing industry and ...

Written by – Food Sovereignty Working Group of the World Forum Of Fisher People,2019 In November 2018, some WFFP members met in Thessaloniki, Greece, to take forward the GA7 resolution on Food Sovereignty. In this meeting, it was agreed that, in order to deepen the Food Sovereignty agenda in WFFP, it is necessary to establish a dialogue process. The objective ...

Jusqu’à récemment, les voix de millions de pêcheurs artisanaux dans les eaux intérieures, les principaux utilisateurs des ressources en eau douce et des cours d’eau intérieurs, restaient sans écho. En effet, les quelques études sur la pêche artisanale continentale, au niveau international et au niveau local et national, ont été principalement réalisées dans le milieu universitaire et celui des entreprises. ...