The Dark Side of Lighted Anchovy Purse Seine Fishing: How Bycatch Threatens Marine Ecosystems

Campaign of the TFCs stop Lighted anchovy purse seine is a fishing method that uses artificial lights to attract anchovies (specifically the Peruvian anchoveta, Engraulis ringens) to the surface at night. Once a large school of anchovies is gathered, a large net called a purse seine is used to encircle and capture them
Environmental concerns:
This fishing method is controversial due to its potential for bycatch, which refers to the unintentional capture of non-target species. Bycatch in lighted anchovy purse seine fishing can include:
 * Juvenile fish: Young fish of various species may be attracted to the lights and caught along with the anchovies, impacting their populations.
 * Other marine animals:  Marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds can also be accidentally entangled in the nets or affected by the bright lights.
The high intensity of fishing and potential for bycatch can disrupt the marine ecosystem and affect the overall health of fish stock