On Friday, July 5, 2024, the 2nd SSF Summit 2024 commenced at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, bringing together up to 300 participants. These include representatives from small-scale fisheries (SSF) organizations and movements, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government bodies. This year’s theme celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context ...

By organising the Conference of the Ocean Peoples, we assert our historical and customary rights to secure sovereignty over the oceans and protect the coastal land for our future generations. The National Fishworkers Forum (NFF India) in collaboration with the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) and other civil society organisations are calling for the online Conference of the Ocean ...

Statement of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) – 18 April 2020 In just over three months, COVID19 has changed the lives of all peoples and triggered unprecedented responses from governments across the world.  To date, small-scale fishing communities have not been heard in the conversation on how to respond to COVID19. In fact, most government responses expose the ...

La conférence “Our Ocean”, organisée chaque année par les gouvernements et le secteur privé, est un événement qui développe une approche  purement capitaliste, mercantiliste et financière, soutenant le programme de la “croissance bleue”. Cette année, à Bali (Indonésie), alors que les sociétés transnationales et les gouvernements discuteront de solutions financières et fondées sur le marché pour l’océan, les mouvements de pêcheurs ne seront pas ...

La llamada “Conferencia de nuestro océano”, organizada cada año por los gobiernos y el sector privado, es un evento creado a partir de un enfoque completo y puramente capitalista, mercantilista y financiero, que apoya la agenda del “crecimiento azul”. Este año, en Bali (Indonesia), mientras las corporaciones transnacionales y los gobiernos discutirán soluciones financieras y basadas en el mercado para ...

The so called “Our Ocean Conference”, organized every year by governments and private sector, is an event created from a complete and purely capitalist, mercantilist and financial approach, supporting the “blue growth” agenda.  This year, in Bali (Indonesia), while transnational corporations and governments will discuss financial and market based solutions for the Ocean, fisher people movements won’t be invited to ...

The World Forum of Fisher People (WFFP) and its Youth Assembly strongly condemns the barbaric killing of 18 years old Ismail Abu Riyala and injuring Mahmoud Adel Said Abu Riyala and Abu Hasan Nimer Abu Ali. The three Palestinian fishers were fishing on the Northern Area of Gaza territorial waters on Sunday, 25th of February 2018 when they were attacked ...

El Foro Mundial de Pueblos Pescadores (WFFP) y su Asamblea Joven condena enérgicamente la bárbara matanza del joven de 18 años de edad Ismail Abu riyala y las lesiones de Mahmoud Adel Said Abu Riyala y Abu Hasan Nimer Abu Ali. Los tres pescadores palestinos fueron de pesca en la zona norte de las aguas territoriales de Gaza el domingo ...

Le Forum Mondial des Pêcheurs (WFFP) et son Assemblée des Jeunes condamnent fermement le meurtre barbare d’Ismail Abu Riyala, âgé de 18 ans, et les blessures subies par Mahmoud Adel Saïd Abu Riyala et Abu Hasan Nimer Abu Ali. Les trois pêcheurs palestiniens pêchaient dans la zone nord des eaux territoriales de Gaza le dimanche 25 février 2018 lorsqu’ils ont ...

The WFFP extends condolences to family and friends of Ismail Saleh Abu Reyala who was shot dead by the Israeli Navy on 25 February. Ismail who turned 18 just over a month ago (9 January) was preparing lunch on a fishing trip in the Northern area of Gaza territorial waters together with Aahed Hassan Abu Ali and Mahmoud Aadel Abu ...