Press release, 2 February 2016, Kolkata “The tiger is not our threat, the Forest Department is.” “Forest Department Kee Jaagir Nahi; Sundarban Humara Hai” Asserting their rights over the Sundarban forest, more than 200 people from the region assembled at the Public Hearing in Sundarban islands on 31st January 2016. The Press Conference of the Public Hearing took place at ...

Press statement, Cape Town, 29 January 2016 We call upon the Pakistani authorities to make public the exact location of detention of Mr. Baloch. We furthermore demand that the principles of due process and all of Mr. Baloch’s human rights as internationally recognized, are fully respected. In the late afternoon of 16 January, Mr. Baloch informed his colleagues from the ...

Press Statement, 18 January 2016 Pakistan must release Mr. Saeed Baloch immediately. Mr. Baloch was arrested on 16 January by the Pakistan Rangers, who works under the command of the Pakistan Army. Mr. Baloch is a Human Rights activist since the 1980’ies. He was associated with the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF), that works to protect the socio-economic and political rights ...

Jose Maldonado, 14 years old, and Alcides Rodrigues were arrested by the Nicaraguan navy in the Gulf of Fonseca on 10 August. APAGOLF, a Honduran member of the WFFP, demanded the immediate release of the Maldonado and Rodrigues and successfully resolved the conflict through a dialogue with the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro. The two fishers ...

19 July 2015 During the past days, leaders of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) have gathered in Pondicherry, to discuss the main challenges facing fisherfolk across the world and how to confront these challenges. The leaders of the WFFP traveled from the Caribbean, Honduras, Canada, Mauritania, Kenya, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. A key strategic decision at ...

By the international secretariat of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples – 26 April 2015 On 23-27 March 2014, six representatives from the global fisher movements, the WFFP and WFF, supported by ICSF and a couple of researchers, participated in the UserRights2015 Conference in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Few in numbers, these delegates represent millions of people from indigenous and small-scale fishing ...

Tahira Ali Shah (born 1964; † 9 March 2015) The tragic passing of Tahira Ali Shah is an intimate loss of fisher-folk and especially fisher women of Pakistan and across the world. For us, in the WFFP, we mourn her passing. She will be sorely missed. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to you, Muhammed Ali Shah and ...

We are excited to  learn that the final version of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) is now available online and in six different languages on the FAO website. Follow these links for English, French and Spanish versions. These Guidelines are the first negotiated international instrument dedicated specifically to small-scale ...

  “My plea is simple — to reject the commodification of nature. Land grabs were the start of market-led colonisation; now it’s the turn of water, including oceans. The natural commons, on which depend livelihoods of tens of millions, should not be allowed to become hostage to market greed and predatory states.”   These were the opening words on Mr. Muhammad ...

[button link=’’ size=’large’ color=’red’ target=’blank’]En Español[/button] Ecuador is the fifth largest producer of shrimp worldwide, generating over one billion dollars a year. Ecuador’s fragile wetlands have been devastated by shrimp farming – according to official statistics, the national area of mangroves went from 362,000 hectares to 108,000 hectares. Although the shrimp industry employs 250,000 people in Ecuador, a much higher ...