The WFFP extends condolences to family and friends of Ismail Saleh Abu Reyala who was shot dead by the Israeli Navy on 25 February. Ismail who turned 18 just over a month ago (9 January) was preparing lunch on a fishing trip in the Northern area of Gaza territorial waters together with Aahed Hassan Abu Ali and Mahmoud Aadel Abu ...

Until recently, the voices of millions of inland small-scale fishers, the primary users of freshwater resources and inland streams have been unheard. With the efforts of the WFFP working group on Inland Fishing and their first ever report on this neglected topic, time has come for a change. In most countries around the world, almost all fisheries management policies are ...

The importance of Food Sovereignty – as a means, a goal, and a global movement – is long recognized by  the  WFFP  leadership:  Food  Sovereignty  is  a  political  agenda  of  small-scale  food  producers  in  the  defense  of  our  rivers,  lakes,  oceans  and  land.  It  is  a  response  to  the  encroachment  of  our  food  system  by  multinational  corporations  who,  in  the  ...

The National Fisheries Solidarity Movement [NAFSO] of Sri Lanka presents this case as part of the case study portfolio of WFFP members, to serve as the platform for the discussions at the WFFP General Assembly in November 2017. The theme for this historic event is “Small Scale Fishers of WFFP Back to New Delhi after 20 Years”. NAFSO is a ...

4 June 2017 We call upon the UN member-states to work with the small-scale fisher peoples movements towards the implementation of the International Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries (SSF guidelines). At its 32nd session in July 2016, the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the FAO unanimously adopted the Global Strategic Framework (GSF) to facilitate the implementation of the SSF ...

The World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) is celebrating the International Day of Action for Rivers by calling for governments to implement the FAO’s International Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF guidelines) for rivers and other inland fisheries, and to develop policies to protect the rights of inland fishing communities, and ensure their food sovereignty. At least 30 percent ...

WFFP statement on World Fisheries Day 21.11.2016 “One of our greatest victories is the endorsement of the International Small-scale Fisheries Guidelines by the Committee on Fisheries [COFI] of the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation [FAO] in 2014” – Naseegh Jaffer, the General Secretary of the WFFP. “When we developed the International guidelines, transnational corporations did not show any commitment towards ...

New report produced by fisher movements from across the world. The report challenges the political and economic elites and their project to privatise our nature through the Blue Carbon mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. It also emphasises a series of real solutions which are rooted in the knowledge and culture of ...

“There is a parcel of land they [investors] say is private. Private belonging to who?” asks Christiana Louwa of the El Molo Forum in northern Kenya, and continues “…our land is never private. Its public land. The land belongs to our communities… and its in our constitution”. In a new investigative report, it is clear that the Green Wind Power ...

“We, the Fonseca Gulf Association of Artisanal Fisher people known as APAGOLF together with our associates, hereby condemn the murder of Berta Cáceres and we demand that President JOH ensures that her murder does not go unpunished and that those responsible for this crime are prosecuted. This is the right moment for him to enact the words he lives by, ...