The importance of Food Sovereignty – as a means, a goal, and a global movement – is long recognized by the WFFP leadership: Food Sovereignty is a political agenda of small-scale food producers in the defense of our rivers, lakes, oceans and land. It is a response to the encroachment of our food system by multinational corporations who, in the ...
The Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and the Rights-Based Approach (RBA) to fisheries represent two very different and contradictory approaches. Where the RBA with its focus on, so-called, ‘economic efficiency’ has led to widespread social disruption in fishing communities, the HRBA has profoundly positive structural, political, material, and cultural implications if implemented fully. As such, the HRBA to fisheries is ...
Déclaration de WFFP à l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Pêche du 21.11.2016 «L’adoption de ces Directives internationales sur la pêche artisanale en 2014 par la Commission de la pêche [COFI] de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture [FAO] constitue une de nos plus grandes victoires.» a dit Naseegh Jaffer, Secrétaire Général de WFFP. «Lorsque nous avons ...
Declaración del WFFP sobre el Día Mundial de la Pesca 21.11.2016 “Una de nuestras mayores victorias es el respaldo de las Directrices Internacionales de Pesca en Pequeña Escala por el Comité de Pesca de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) en 2014” – Naseegh Jaffer, Secretario General del WFFP “Cuando desarrollamos las Directrices ...
WFFP statement on World Fisheries Day 21.11.2016 “One of our greatest victories is the endorsement of the International Small-scale Fisheries Guidelines by the Committee on Fisheries [COFI] of the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation [FAO] in 2014” – Naseegh Jaffer, the General Secretary of the WFFP. “When we developed the International guidelines, transnational corporations did not show any commitment towards ...
Éditorial de Naseegh Jaffer, secrétaire général Le 21 novembre 2016, Le Forum Mondial des Populations de Pêcheurs est entré dans sa 19e année d’existence, marquant 19 ans de lutte pour les droits des communautés d’artisans pêcheurs. Par cette newsletter, nous invitons nos membres, alliés, et sympathisants à se préparer à cette nouvelle décennie pour porter notre lutte encore plus loin. ...
Editorial by Naseegh Jaffer, WFFP General Secretary On November 21, 2016 the World Forum of Fisher People entered our 19th year of existence of fighting for the human rights of the world’s small-scale fishing communities. So, with this newsletter we want our members, allies and supporters to get ready for a new decade to take our struggle to greater heights. ...
Editorial – Naseegh Jaffer, Secretario General El 21 de noviembre de 2016, el Foro Mundial de Pueblos Pescadores comenzó su 19º año de existencia en la lucha por los derechos humanos de las comunidades pesqueras a pequeña escala del mundo. Con este boletín queremos preparar a nuestros miembros, colaboradores y partidarios para una nueva década que encumbre nuestra lucha. Durante ...
During a public event held in Paris in December 2015 at the time of the COP21, representatives of frontline communities discussed and denounced the false solutions to the climate crisis, and promoted the real solutions that are rooted in peoples’ knowledge and experiences. They stressed how converging provides hope, opportunities and solidarity and, importantly, advances the struggle for systemic change. ...
Durante un evento público en diciembre de 2015 celebrado en París en el marco de la COP21, distintos representantes de las comunidades afectadas se replantearon y denunciaron las falsas soluciones a la crisis del clima, y promovieron soluciones reales, basadas en la pericia y los conocimientos de los pueblos. Destacaron que de la convergencia nacen la esperanza, las oportunidades y ...