بيان المنتدى العالمي لشعوب الصيادين…اليوم العالمي للصيد 21 نوفمبر 2020 نحن، منتدى شعوب البحارة العالمي الممثلون لأكثر من 10 مليون صياد تقليدي للسمك، ومنهم السكان الأهالي لمناطق ساحلية وداخلية لأربعة وخمسين بلدا من كل القارات، نحتفل باليوم العالمي للصيد في خضم أسوا أزمة عالمية لم يسبق أن شهدت البشرية قط مثيلا لها. وفيما تواجه جماعاتنا مصاعب وخسائر، نستغل هذا اليوم ...

Declaração do Fórum Mundial de Povos Pescadores (WFFP)Dia Mundial da Pesca, 21 de novembro de 2020 Nós, do Fórum Mundial de Povos Pescadores, representando mais de 10 milhões de pescadores artesanais, incluindo povos indígenas de regiões costeiras e não-costeira de 54 países e de todos os continentes, comemoramos o Dia Mundial da Pesca em meio à pior crise global que ...

Заявление Всемирного форума рыболовецких общин (WFFP) ко Всемирному дню рыболовства, 21 ноября 2020 г. Мы, Всемирный форум рыболовецких общин — организация, представляющая более 10 млн. человек, членов мелкомасштабных рыболовецких общин, в том числе коренных народов из прибрежных и внутриматериковых регионов 54 стран со всех континентов, — вспоминаем о Всемирном дне рыболовства в условиях самого тяжелого глобального кризиса в истории человечества. ...

Declaración del Foro Mundial de Pueblos Pescadores (WFFP) Día Mundial de la Pesca, 21 de noviembre de 2020 Nosotros, el Foro Mundial de Pueblos Pescadores, quienes representamos a más de 10 millones de pescadores a pequeña escala, incluyendo a pueblos indígenas de regiones costeras y de interior de 54 países y todos los continentes, celebramos el Día Mundial de la ...

Déclaration du Forum mondial des peuples de pêcheurs (WFFP) Journée mondiale de la pêche, 21 novembre 2020 Nous, le Forum mondial des peuples de pêcheurs représentant plus de 10 millions de pêcheurs artisanaux, y compris les populations autochtones des régions côtières et intérieures de cinquante-quatre pays dans cinq continents, nous célébrons la Journée mondiale de la pêche au milieu de ...

Statement of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) World Fisheries Day, 21 November 2020 We, the World Forum of Fisher Peoples representing over 10 million small-scale fisher people including Indigenous People from coastal and inland regions in fifty-four countries from all continents, remember World Fisheries Day in the midst of the worst global crisis humanity has ever experienced. Even ...

Press release, 2 February 2016, Kolkata “The tiger is not our threat, the Forest Department is.” “Forest Department Kee Jaagir Nahi; Sundarban Humara Hai” Asserting their rights over the Sundarban forest, more than 200 people from the region assembled at the Public Hearing in Sundarban islands on 31st January 2016. The Press Conference of the Public Hearing took place at ...

Press statement, Cape Town, 29 January 2016 We call upon the Pakistani authorities to make public the exact location of detention of Mr. Baloch. We furthermore demand that the principles of due process and all of Mr. Baloch’s human rights as internationally recognized, are fully respected. In the late afternoon of 16 January, Mr. Baloch informed his colleagues from the ...

Press Statement, 18 January 2016 Pakistan must release Mr. Saeed Baloch immediately. Mr. Baloch was arrested on 16 January by the Pakistan Rangers, who works under the command of the Pakistan Army. Mr. Baloch is a Human Rights activist since the 1980’ies. He was associated with the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF), that works to protect the socio-economic and political rights ...

WFFP statement on World Fisheries Day 21.11.2015 In the run-up to COP21 in Paris, WFFP denounces ‘false solutions’ to climate change and instead call on governments to implement the International Small-Scale Fisheries guidelines. Small-scale fisherfolk across the world provide the socially and ecologically just solutions. On this day, 18 years ago, the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) was founded ...