International Year of Small Scale/ Artisanal Fisheries & Aquaculture [IYAFA] of the United Nations, “Our Small Scale Fishers’ Matters” -Campaign Toolkit

It is no secret that the Small Scale fishers are the people who are engaged in one of the  most dangerous and risky employment in the world and their family members, women, children are the least recognize citizens in any country. Socially this fisheries job has been rather looked down in the society and fisher themselves experience this discrimination and it is much necessary to create an atmosphere where they can  declare themselves as  dignified citizens with pride .It is also a well known fact that most of the fishers are not encouraging and grooming their children to take up this industry

Source-National Fisheries Solidarity Movement

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06.05..21 Tool Kit for IYAFA Celebration-English

01.05.20 World SSF Celebration-tamil

IYAFA 2022 Scoping Paper for ISC

IYAFA 2022 – History, Progress and UN Decleration