FishersNet Special Edition – WFFP 6th General Assembly

FishersNet Special Edition – WFFP 6th General Assembly

Published: Vol. 23 September 2014

Since 2005 Masifundise Development Trust have been publishing FishersNet (commonly known as VissersNet in Afrikaans), a newsletter which aims to keep fisher communities informed about the recent activities and developments in the Small- Scale Fisheries (SSF) sector and to share stories about their challenges and successes.

The articles are written in popular language which makes it easy to read and understand. Over the years, the VissersNet has served as a powerful tool, not only in sharing information but also in building consciousness at a community level. Currently, Masifundise published three editions per annum, in the four languages commonly used in the four coastal Provinces, viz. English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu.

However, for the WFFP 6th General Assembly a special edition was published focusing on issues specifically to the WFFP and was translated into three languages. See our special edition to read about Ocean Grabbing, MPAs, the International Small-scale Fisheries Guidelines and much more.

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