In honour of our fallen comrade and dear friend Thomas Kocherry, a short tribute was paid by the entire delegation of WFFP members with the above footage and a lit candle.
In honour of our fallen comrade and dear friend Thomas Kocherry, a short tribute was paid by the entire delegation of WFFP members with the above footage and a lit candle.
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I had the privilege to meet this amazing and dynamic Humanitarian and Activist in Johannesburg through The Masifundise NGO who organized the summit for sustainabe fishing livelyhoods…. I was fascinated by his passion and his commitment his charismatic manner in which he could mobilise the Folks and will forever remember him saying to the masses sing, sing, sing dont stop singing its in your voices and in your hands …Thomas will indeed be remebered as he left a legacy his passion for people .
I thank thee for this opportunity myself as a son of a fisherman
Much Love and Light and keep up the Good works
South african and West Coast greetings