By the international secretariat of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples – 26 April 2015 On 23-27 March 2014, six representatives from the global fisher movements, the WFFP and WFF, supported by ICSF and a couple of researchers, participated in the UserRights2015 Conference in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Few in numbers, these delegates represent millions of people from indigenous and small-scale fishing ...

World Social Forum, Tunis 23-28 March 2015 Social movements and civil society organizations engaged in the defense of the rights to land and water at the World Social Forum. For four days, the WFFP joined hundreds of activists in the fight against the grabbing of natural resources, including land and fish, and against the systematic violations of the associated human rights. Sharing ...

Tahira Ali Shah (born 1964; † 9 March 2015) The tragic passing of Tahira Ali Shah is an intimate loss of fisher-folk and especially fisher women of Pakistan and across the world. For us, in the WFFP, we mourn her passing. She will be sorely missed. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to you, Muhammed Ali Shah and ...

The WFFP urges for better protection of small-scale fishers at the inter-governmental working group of the Human Rights Council on the rights of peasants, fishers and other people working in rural areas. Since the global food crisis of 2008, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, has emphasized that peasants and other people working in ...

10 February, 2015 The struggle against Ocean Grabbing is a struggle of all fisher peoples across the world. In solidarity with the Honduran fishers and the Honduran WFFP members, the WFFP has urgently alerted the president and the members of the national congress to adhere to their international obligations. Read open letter to the president Honduras, as a member of the United ...

  “My plea is simple — to reject the commodification of nature. Land grabs were the start of market-led colonisation; now it’s the turn of water, including oceans. The natural commons, on which depend livelihoods of tens of millions, should not be allowed to become hostage to market greed and predatory states.”   These were the opening words on Mr. Muhammad ...

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[youtube=] University of Rhode Island Associate Professor Seth Macinko delivering his keynote speech to the delegates of the 6th World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) General Assembly. Professor Macinko outlines some of the challenges that small-scale fishers face moving forward, outlining the threats of the continued privatisation of the world’s waters from such forces as the World Bank and how ...