During a public event held in Paris in December 2015 at the time of the COP21, representatives of frontline communities discussed and denounced the false solutions to the climate crisis, and promoted the real solutions that are rooted in peoples’ knowledge and experiences. They stressed how converging provides hope, opportunities and solidarity and, importantly, advances the struggle for systemic change. ...

Durante un evento público en diciembre de 2015 celebrado en París en el marco de la COP21, distintos representantes de las comunidades afectadas se replantearon y denunciaron las falsas soluciones a la crisis del clima, y promovieron soluciones reales, basadas en la pericia y los conocimientos de los pueblos. Destacaron que de la convergencia nacen la esperanza, las oportunidades y ...

Un nuevo informe fue presentado por los movimientos de pueblos pescadores a nivel global. El informe expone firmes objeciones en contra de las élites políticas y económicas y de su proyecto para privatizar recursos naturales a través del mecanismo de carbono azul — tal cual fue presentado en dos documentos, la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio ...

New report produced by fisher movements from across the world. The report challenges the political and economic elites and their project to privatise our nature through the Blue Carbon mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. It also emphasises a series of real solutions which are rooted in the knowledge and culture of ...

Statement issued by World Forum of Fisher Peoples’ (WFFP) & World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers in relation to the COP21 negotiations in Paris, 2015. As the devastating consequences of climate change become ever more disastrous, it is likewise becoming ever more clear that the corporate-dominated UNFCCC-negotiations are not part of the solution but part of the problem. ...