Until recently, the voices of millions of inland small-scale fishers, the primary users of freshwater resources and inland streams have been unheard. With the efforts of the WFFP working group on Inland Fishing and their first ever report on this neglected topic, time has come for a change. In most countries around the world, almost all fisheries management policies are ...

El Foro Mundial de Pueblos Pescadores (WFFP) celebra el Día Internacional de Acción por los Ríos reclamando a los gobiernos que implementen las Directrices Voluntarias para Garantizar la Pesca Sostenible a Pequeña Escala (VG-SSF) de la FAO para ríos y otras pescas continentales y desarrollen políticas para proteger los derechos de comunidades pesqueras continentales y garantizar su soberanía alimentaria. Al ...

Le forum mondial des populations pêcheurs (WFFP) célèbre la journée internationale d’action pour les rivières en appelant les gouvernements à mettre en œuvre les directives volontaires pour sécuriser la pêche artisanale durable (VG-SSF) de la FAO aux rivières et aux autres pêches continentales, et à développer des politiques pour protéger les droits des communautés de pêche continentale, et assurer leur ...

The World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) is celebrating the International Day of Action for Rivers by calling for governments to implement the FAO’s International Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF guidelines) for rivers and other inland fisheries, and to develop policies to protect the rights of inland fishing communities, and ensure their food sovereignty. At least 30 percent ...

Nyéléni, Mali, 27 February 2015 “We are the owners of agroecology. It is shaped by farmers and other small-scale producers and its sophisticated theoretical and political constructions is what makes agroecology unique and resistant to co-optation by the neo-liberals” says Naseegh Jaffer, General Secretary of the WFFP. See Declaration of the International Forum for Agroecology Global social movements gathered at ...

As the 6th WFFP General Assembly got underway today, delegates from all around the world came together to begin discussions on the challenges and the way forward of the WFFP. With thanks to WFFP member Masifundise, all 120 delegates were treated to local cultural items of entertainment, including a rousing struggle song, delivered by Coastal Links members, to encourage the ...

  In an address to the United Nations General Assembly in 2012, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter, spoke about the major threat “Ocean Grabbing” poses to small-scale fishers. For the first time, the UN used a term which progressive movements had used for years. But little has been done to unpack its meaning, ...

A new report, The Global Ocean Grab, was published by the Transnational Institute, Masifundise and Afrika Kontakt together with WFFP. The term ‘ocean grabbing’ aims to cast new light on important processes that are negatively affecting the people and communities whose way of life and cultural identity depend on small-scale fishing and related activities. Small-scale fishers and fishing communities in both the ...

Declaration made by: participants of the Masifundise Marine Protected Area Workshop, Langebaan, April 14-th 16th April, 2010   We, representatives from small-scale fishing communities, Masifundise and other organisations working with and in support of fishers in South Africa, having participated in the workshop  “Protecting Community Rights in Marine Protected Areas” in Langebaan, 14th -16th April, 2010. We are committed to contributing ...

Statement made by: Women in Fisheries. Masifundise Development Trust. Made at: Lambertsbaai, South Africa, 18th February 2010.   “Our fishing communities are currently facing a social, economic and environmental crisis. The human rights of our communities, particularly those of young girls and women, are being violated on a daily basis and we can no longer protect our children or our marine resources ...