Statement made by: International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF). Made at: the 16th Session of the SBSTTA to the CBD. 30 April – 5 May 2012, Montreal, Canada   Agenda Item 6: Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity It is now well recognized, including in several decisions of the CBD, that traditional scientific, technical, and technological knowledge of indigenous and local communities, consistent ...

Statement made by: the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) and the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers. Made at: The Tenth Conference of Parties to the CBD on marine and coastal biodiversity (Item 5.2. Marine and coastal biodiversity), Nagoya, Japan. 19 October, 2010. (1) Marine and coastal protected areas: Small-scale fishing communities, threatened by biodiversity loss and degradation of coastal ecosystems, ...

Declaration made by: participants of the Masifundise Marine Protected Area Workshop, Langebaan, April 14-th 16th April, 2010   We, representatives from small-scale fishing communities, Masifundise and other organisations working with and in support of fishers in South Africa, having participated in the workshop  “Protecting Community Rights in Marine Protected Areas” in Langebaan, 14th -16th April, 2010. We are committed to contributing ...