Hoje, o Grupo de Trabalho das Pescas Internas do Fórum Mundial de Pessoas Pescadas (WFFP) está de pé com os irmãos e irmãs do movimento de outras pessoas no Fórum Alternativo Mundial da Água de 2018 para apelo à proteção das águas que sustentam a vida de nossas comunidades, meios de subsistência e culturas. O Grupo de Trabalho sobre Pescas ...

Aujourd’hui, le Groupe de travail sur les pêches continentales du Forum mondial des pêcheurs (WFFP) se tient avec les frères et sœurs du mouvement des autres peuples au Forum mondial alternatif de l’eau 2018 pour appeler à la protection des eaux qui soutiennent la vie de nos communautés, moyens de subsistance et cultures. Le Groupe de travail sur les pêches ...

Hoy, el Grupo de Trabajo de Pesca Continental del Foro Mundial de Pueblos Pescadores (WFFP) se une a los hermanos y hermanas del movimiento de otros pueblos en el Foro Mundial Alternativo del Agua 2018 para pedir la protección de las aguas que sustentan la vida de nuestras comunidades, medios de vida y culturas. El Grupo de Trabajo de Pesca ...

Today the Inland Fisheries Working Group of the World Forum of Fisher People (WFFP) Is standing with brothers and sisters of other peoples’ movement at the 2018 Alternative World Water Forum to call for the protection of the waters that support the life of our communities, livelihoods and cultures. The Inland Fisheries Working Group was given a mandate at the ...

Until recently, the voices of millions of inland small-scale fishers, the primary users of freshwater resources and inland streams have been unheard. With the efforts of the WFFP working group on Inland Fishing and their first ever report on this neglected topic, time has come for a change. In most countries around the world, almost all fisheries management policies are ...

The importance of Food Sovereignty – as a means, a goal, and a global movement – is long recognized by  the  WFFP  leadership:  Food  Sovereignty  is  a  political  agenda  of  small-scale  food  producers  in  the  defense  of  our  rivers,  lakes,  oceans  and  land.  It  is  a  response  to  the  encroachment  of  our  food  system  by  multinational  corporations  who,  in  the  ...

Editorial by Naseegh Jaffer, WFFP General Secretary On November 21, 2016 the World Forum of Fisher People entered our 19th year of existence of fighting for the human rights of the world’s small-scale fishing communities. So, with this newsletter we want our members, allies and supporters to get ready for a new decade to take our struggle to greater heights. ...

Statement issued by World Forum of Fisher Peoples’ (WFFP) & World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers in relation to the COP21 negotiations in Paris, 2015. As the devastating consequences of climate change become ever more disastrous, it is likewise becoming ever more clear that the corporate-dominated UNFCCC-negotiations are not part of the solution but part of the problem. ...

Nyéléni, Mali, 27 February 2015 “We are the owners of agroecology. It is shaped by farmers and other small-scale producers and its sophisticated theoretical and political constructions is what makes agroecology unique and resistant to co-optation by the neo-liberals” says Naseegh Jaffer, General Secretary of the WFFP. See Declaration of the International Forum for Agroecology Global social movements gathered at ...