“Our land is never private”

“There is a parcel of land they [investors] say is private. Private belonging to who?” asks Christiana Louwa of the El Molo Forum in northern Kenya, and continues “…our land is never private. Its public land. The land belongs to our communities… and its in our constitution”.

In a new investigative report, it is clear that the Green Wind Power project is not so green at all. The 600 million Euro project is being pushed through by a political and economic elite, with the government of Kenya working hand in hand with foreign investors, and they show no respect for the human rights of the indigenous El Molo and other groups in the region. There was never any free, prior and informed consent, even though this is a key principle of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [article 10].



Christiana Louwa, who is also on the coordinating committee of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples, is grateful for the release of the report by Danwatch, but points at one critical element that is omitted in the report:


“The wind project is fuelling tribal hatred in our region. In the Nakuron fishing village next to the Lake Turkana wind power Project,  communities are killing one another, and the very first casualties were children and women”