New WFFP Coordination Committee

Aside from all the enlightening discussions and work towards the protection of small-scale fisheries rights, the 6th WFFP conference also served as the election grounds for the WFFP new Coordination Committee going forward. The new committee was decided upon via a consensus and comments from all members within the WFFP whilst including the aims of having a group that was balanced in terms or gender, geography, language as well as experience and youthfulness.


Firstly the continental representative were elected as follows;

Africa: Sid’Ahmed Abeid, Mauritania (WA) and Christiana Louwa, Kenya (NA)

America: Moises Osovto, Honduras (CA) and Sherry Pictou, Canada (NA)

Asia: Sylvia Malari, Philippines (SEA) and Manickam Illango, India (SA)

Europe: Natalia Laino Lojo, Spain and Jean Claude Yoyotte, Guadalupe

Following the election of the continental representatives, the Coordination Committee members were elected as follows:

Co-Coordinators: Nadine Orchid, Jamaica (America) and Mohommed Ali Sha, Pakistan (Asia)

General Secretary: Naseegh Jaffer, South Africa (Africa)

Treasurer: Maria del Mar Pombal Junc, Spain (Europe)

Special Invitees: Jorge Varela Marques (Honduras) and Heman Kumara (Sri Lanka)

Congratulations to all those who were elected, we are looking forward to a brighter future for small-scale fishers everywhere under your leadership.