We, Members of the small-scale fishers and Indigenous Peoples met during the 2nd Small-Scale Fishers Summit 2024 held in Rome between 5-7th July followed by the 36th Session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI 36) that was held during 8-12th July recognized the important role to engage with the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies. The first part concluded in 2022 ...

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) principle of “leaving no one behind” focuses global attention on the poorest and most vulnerable people. As different sectors grapple to engage meaningfully with this principle, we posit that greater consideration of social problems in fishing-dependent communities, such as alcoholism and domestic violence, presents an opportunity for fishery governors to contribute to the SDGs ...

By organising the Conference of the Ocean Peoples, we assert our historical and customary rights to secure sovereignty over the oceans and protect the coastal land for our future generations. The National Fishworkers Forum (NFF India) in collaboration with the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) and other civil society organisations are calling for the online Conference of the Ocean ...

We, the World Forum of Fisher Peoples representing over 10 million small-scale fisher people including Indigenous People from coastal and inland regions in fifty-four countries from all continents, reiterate we are part of the solution to solve the climate catastrophe. Our livelihoods, providing affordable and nutritious foods though localised value chains, build on low carbon emission practices and as such ...

The peoples tribunal that exposed the blue myth. A statement by the World Forum of Fisher Peoples. Delhi 23 February 2021 We, the World Forum of Fisher Peoples, representing 30 million fisher peoples from 56 countries denounce the blue economy as promoted by our governments, multilateral institutions and transnational corporations. We call upon our sisters and brothers from all segments ...

بيان المنتدى العالمي لشعوب الصيادين…اليوم العالمي للصيد 21 نوفمبر 2020 نحن، منتدى شعوب البحارة العالمي الممثلون لأكثر من 10 مليون صياد تقليدي للسمك، ومنهم السكان الأهالي لمناطق ساحلية وداخلية لأربعة وخمسين بلدا من كل القارات، نحتفل باليوم العالمي للصيد في خضم أسوا أزمة عالمية لم يسبق أن شهدت البشرية قط مثيلا لها. وفيما تواجه جماعاتنا مصاعب وخسائر، نستغل هذا اليوم ...

Declaração do Fórum Mundial de Povos Pescadores (WFFP)Dia Mundial da Pesca, 21 de novembro de 2020 Nós, do Fórum Mundial de Povos Pescadores, representando mais de 10 milhões de pescadores artesanais, incluindo povos indígenas de regiões costeiras e não-costeira de 54 países e de todos os continentes, comemoramos o Dia Mundial da Pesca em meio à pior crise global que ...

Заявление Всемирного форума рыболовецких общин (WFFP) ко Всемирному дню рыболовства, 21 ноября 2020 г. Мы, Всемирный форум рыболовецких общин — организация, представляющая более 10 млн. человек, членов мелкомасштабных рыболовецких общин, в том числе коренных народов из прибрежных и внутриматериковых регионов 54 стран со всех континентов, — вспоминаем о Всемирном дне рыболовства в условиях самого тяжелого глобального кризиса в истории человечества. ...