5 de noviembre de 2015 Comunicado de prensa conjunto del World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) y el Foro Mundial de Pescadores y Trabajadores de la Pesca (FMPTP) Con la Iniciativa para la Pesca Costera (CFI en sus siglas en inglés), la FAO, el Banco Mundial y Conservación Internacional, entre otros, han puesto en marcha un programa de largo alcance ...

5 novembre 2015 Communiqué de presse commun par le Forum mondial des peuples pêcheurs (WFFP) et le Forum mondial des pêcheurs et des travailleurs de la pêche (WFF) Avec l’Initiative sur la pêche côtière (CFI), la FAO, la Banque mondiale, Conservation International et d’autres acteurs ont lancé un vaste programme pour réformer la politique mondiale sur la pêche. 235 millions ...

5 November 2015 Joint Press Statement by the World Forum of Fisher Peoples’ (WFFP) and the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers (WFF) With the Coastal Fisheries Initiative (CFI) the FAO, the World Bank, Conservation International and others have launched a wide reaching program aiming at the reform of fisheries policy across the world. Through a period of ...

19 July 2015 During the past days, leaders of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) have gathered in Pondicherry, to discuss the main challenges facing fisherfolk across the world and how to confront these challenges. The leaders of the WFFP traveled from the Caribbean, Honduras, Canada, Mauritania, Kenya, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. A key strategic decision at ...

Beware of the privatisation of the world’s oceans, says US professor [button link=’https://wffp-web.org/2014/09/02/seth-macinko-keynote-speech-2/’ size=’large’ color=’blue’ target=’blank’]Video: Seth Macinko – Keynote Speech[/button] The ongoing privatisation of the world’s oceans is a matter of great concern, University of Rhode Island Associate Professor Dr Seth Macinko told the opening session of the General Assembly the World Forum of Fisher Peoples in Cape Town this ...