22-23 January 2018 Honourable Chairperson, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates and Observers, Ladies and Gentlemen We, the 36 representatives of small and medium-scale farmers, rural women and youth, fisherfolk, agricultural workers, livestock keepers, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, landless peoples, consumers, and NGOs representing national, regional and international CSOs coming from 23 countries met in Khartoum, Sudan, on the 22nd and 23rd of January ...

The WFFP extends condolences to family and friends of Ismail Saleh Abu Reyala who was shot dead by the Israeli Navy on 25 February. Ismail who turned 18 just over a month ago (9 January) was preparing lunch on a fishing trip in the Northern area of Gaza territorial waters together with Aahed Hassan Abu Ali and Mahmoud Aadel Abu ...

The importance of Food Sovereignty – as a means, a goal, and a global movement – is long recognized by  the  WFFP  leadership:  Food  Sovereignty  is  a  political  agenda  of  small-scale  food  producers  in  the  defense  of  our  rivers,  lakes,  oceans  and  land.  It  is  a  response  to  the  encroachment  of  our  food  system  by  multinational  corporations  who,  in  the  ...

4 de junio de 2017 Instamos a los estados miembros de la ONU a trabajar con los movimientos de los pueblos de pescadores a pequeña escala para lograr la implementación de las Directrices PPE. En su 32ª sesión en julio de 2016, el Comité de Pesca (COFI, por sus siglas en inglés) de la FAO adoptó por unanimidad el Marco ...

4 juin 2017 Nous appelons les états membres de l’ONU à travailler avec les mouvements des pêcheurs artisanaux pour la mise en œuvre des Directives visant à assurer la durabilité de la pêche artisanale. Lors de sa 32ème séance en juillet 2016, le Comité des pêches (COFI) de la FAO a adopté à l’unanimité le Cadre stratégique mondial (CSM) pour ...

4 June 2017 We call upon the UN member-states to work with the small-scale fisher peoples movements towards the implementation of the International Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries (SSF guidelines). At its 32nd session in July 2016, the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the FAO unanimously adopted the Global Strategic Framework (GSF) to facilitate the implementation of the SSF ...

El Foro Mundial de Pueblos Pescadores (WFFP) celebra el Día Internacional de Acción por los Ríos reclamando a los gobiernos que implementen las Directrices Voluntarias para Garantizar la Pesca Sostenible a Pequeña Escala (VG-SSF) de la FAO para ríos y otras pescas continentales y desarrollen políticas para proteger los derechos de comunidades pesqueras continentales y garantizar su soberanía alimentaria. Al ...

Le forum mondial des populations pêcheurs (WFFP) célèbre la journée internationale d’action pour les rivières en appelant les gouvernements à mettre en œuvre les directives volontaires pour sécuriser la pêche artisanale durable (VG-SSF) de la FAO aux rivières et aux autres pêches continentales, et à développer des politiques pour protéger les droits des communautés de pêche continentale, et assurer leur ...

The World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) is celebrating the International Day of Action for Rivers by calling for governments to implement the FAO’s International Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF guidelines) for rivers and other inland fisheries, and to develop policies to protect the rights of inland fishing communities, and ensure their food sovereignty. At least 30 percent ...

The Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and the Rights-Based Approach (RBA) to fisheries represent two very different and contradictory approaches. Where the RBA with its focus on, so-called, ‘economic efficiency’ has led to widespread social disruption in fishing communities, the HRBA has profoundly positive structural, political, material, and cultural implications if implemented fully. As such, the HRBA to fisheries is ...