WFFP Coordination Committee Meeting – Decisions and Report Published: Basque 2-7 November 2006 The CC meeting held at Basque gave us hope, courage and also renewed our commitment towards the artisanal, small scale, and beach based fisher people in the world. Read the full report: Report of CC Meet 2006 ...

Week of Action Against Ocean grabbing and implementation of voluntary guidelines on small scale fisheries A report on World Fisheries Day 2014 by Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum Read this report to learn all about the PFF’s week of action against ocean grabbing and the implementation of the voluntary guidlines on small scale fisheries. The week of action saw rallies, marches and seminars ...

WFFP ICN2 2014 Report A report on the WFFP’s participation in the ICN2 international conference on nutrition 19-21 November 2014 Despite fish being a key component in nutrition and food security in the world, small scale fisheries have never been a major focus in conferences on nutrition. This November saw the second international conference on nutrition hosted by FAO and WHO, ...

Marine Protected Areas in South Africa – ocean grabbing by another name By: Mads Barbesgaard, Carsten Pedersen, Timothé Feodoroff Published on 21st November 2014 International World Fishers day in The Ecologist  In an article published in the Ecologist,  Mads Barbesgaard from Afrika Kontakt, Carsten Pedersen from Masifundise Development Trust and Timothé Feodoroff from Transnational Institute  reflect on World Fisheries Day,  where fisher peoples ...

Ocean grabbing: a new wave of twenty first century enclosures Written by: Nick Buxton, Carsten Pedersen and Mads Christian Barbesgaard Published: in OpenDemocracy   17 October 2014 Not only are the small-scale fisher communities best placed to ensure food sovereignty, but they are also the starting point for any serious transition towards an ecologically and socially just food regime. In this op-ed, ...

A Week of Action on Food and Climate Justice – World Food Day 2014 A report by the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum The 2014 World Food Day theme – Family Farming: “Feeding the world, caring for the earth” – has been chosen to raise the profile of family farming and smallholder farmers. It focuses world attention on the significant role of family farming ...

FishersNet Special Edition – WFFP 6th General Assembly Published: Vol. 23 September 2014 Since 2005 Masifundise Development Trust have been publishing FishersNet (commonly known as VissersNet in Afrikaans), a newsletter which aims to keep fisher communities informed about the recent activities and developments in the Small- Scale Fisheries (SSF) sector and to share stories about their challenges and successes. The articles ...

The Global Ocean Grab Published: By TNI Agrarian Justice Programme, Masifundise and Afrika Kontakt. September 2014. The term ‘ocean grabbing’ aims to cast new light on important processes that are negatively affecting the people and communities whose way of life and cultural identity depend on their involvement in small-scale fishing and closely related activities. Small-scale fishers and fishing communities in both ...

A Call for Governments to Stop Supporting the Global Partnership for Oceans (GPO) and Rights-Based Fishing (RBF) Reforms Published: 20th March, 2013 We, the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) and the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers (WFF), call on governments from all over the world, as well as inter-governmental institutions, to abandon the World Bank initiated Global Partnership for ...

World Fisheries day 2004 Souvenir Published: 21 November 2004 On World Fisheries Day we once again reiterate our stand: that we, the traditional, artisanal and small fisher people are the custodians of the water bodies, fish resources and we have the right for the first sale and distribution of the fish we catch. Read the full report: World Fisheries Day 2004 ...