Israeli navy kills Palestinian fisher

The WFFP extends condolences to family and friends of Ismail Saleh Abu Reyala who was shot dead by the Israeli Navy on 25 February. Ismail who turned 18 just over a month ago (9 January) was preparing lunch on a fishing trip in the Northern area of Gaza territorial waters together with Aahed Hassan Abu Ali and Mahmoud Aadel Abu Reyala when the Navy opened fire. Aahed and Mahmoud were both injured by live bullets. The killing of yet another fisher comes just three days after Gaza officials declared a state of emergency as the economy reaches the brink of complete collapse. Israel’s ongoing Seige has made Gaza a living hell with 97% of the water undrinkable and severe food shortages. The situation has become even worse with the U.S. decision to cut aid to the United Nations Relief and Welfare Agency (UNRWA) which runs schools and provide food for some 300.000 youth in Gaza.

The killing of Ismail Saleh Abu Reyala and and injuring of Aahed Hassan Abu Ali and Mahmoud Aadel Abu Reyala is a calculated attack by Israel to cut even the thinnest of threads of Gazans to provide food for their people.

UAWC call upon the international community

to intervene to lift the land and sea blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip.

For more information contact Mr. Saad Ziada, the Fishers Committee of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees
(UAWC). | +972 597 828 384