On 21/11/2024 a march was organized through the main artery of the Brazilian capital by Brazilian fishermen to celebrate the International Day of Fishermen. It should be noted that the delegates to the 8th General Assembly of WFPP joined this great march and one could read on the banners
“We say no to industrial aquaculture, we say no to the plundering of the oceans” etc … a well-received march supervised by the Brazilian police.
A day before this march, the delegates to the 8th General Assembly were invited to an evening at the Paradiso Hotel in their honor, an evening enlivened by a local orchestra. The Brazilian folk dance was applauded to the total satisfaction of the delegates.
We must admit that the 8th General Assembly of WFFP was a moment of sharing, emotion, joy and very rich exchange of experiences.
Written by-KAPALAY KABEMBA Jean Pierre. Kalemie/DRCongo