10 February, 2015 The struggle against Ocean Grabbing is a struggle of all fisher peoples across the world. In solidarity with the Honduran fishers and the Honduran WFFP members, the WFFP has urgently alerted the president and the members of the national congress to adhere to their international obligations. Read open letter to the president Honduras, as a member of the United ...

  “My plea is simple — to reject the commodification of nature. Land grabs were the start of market-led colonisation; now it’s the turn of water, including oceans. The natural commons, on which depend livelihoods of tens of millions, should not be allowed to become hostage to market greed and predatory states.”   These were the opening words on Mr. Muhammad ...

From PP John, President, Kerala Swathanthra Malsyathozhilaly Federation (KSMTF) A ‘Boat March’ from Mangalore to Thiruvananthapuram – with a slogan “Protect  Sea, Coast, Inland water bodies and Fish Resources” Dear friends, While the crisis of fisheries sector is increasing day by day, the sea and the coast are being removed from the traditional fishing community slowly. The coastal areas are being invaded by the ...

Un nouveau rapport, l’Accaparement des mers, vient d’être publié par Transnational Institute, Masifundise et Afrika Kontakt en collaboration avec le WFFP (the Forum Mondial des Peuples de Pêcheurs). Il dévoile la face cachée de la pêche et des pêcheurs. Une histoire complexe mêlant durabilité, alimentation, modèles de développement, cultures et politique, où les droits des communautés côtières sont systématiquement bafoués ...